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Meet your social value goals while building sustainable recruitment

globalbridge connects you with passionate young talent, simplifies recruitment, and empowers you to track your impact. Embrace inclusivity, showcase your CSR efforts, and attract future leaders - all through one innovative platform.

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Give every young person a chance to shine

globalbridge was made with the aim of levelling the playing field of opportunity for all young people, ensuring that no matter where they live or who their parents know, they get the chance in life that they deserve. By joining globalbridge you will:


Embrace diversity & inclusion by discovering a wider pool of skilled candidates beyond traditional methods. Our platform empowers students from all backgrounds to showcase their talents, creating a more inclusive talent pool.


Make a lasting difference through contributing to social mobility and inclusivity through your partnership with globalbridge. Demonstrate your commitment to CSR and build a positive brand image.


Revolutionise talent acquisition via our innovative opportunity matching system, allowing your content to find the right future talent rather than waiting for those individuals to find you first.

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Influence before pivotal career choices are made

globalbridge connects you with students early in their education journey, allowing you to:

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Plant the seeds of inspiration by sparking curiosity about your industry and the diverse roles within your organisation. By engaging students early, you can shape their perceptions and ignite a passion for careers aligned with your expertise.


Build lasting brand awareness and a positive association with your organisation. Students will remember you as a leader in the field when the time comes to consider possible career paths.


Become an attractive option through showcasing your company culture, values, and exciting opportunities, you can position yourself as a top employer for future talent.

Utilise data-driven decision making

No more guesswork about the impact of your outreach efforts. With globalbridge, you gain tangible evidence of your success, allowing you to refine your strategies and reach the audience you are aiming for.


Measure what matters by tracking real engagement with your company. This includes interactions with your opportunities, participation in events and diversity reports. You get a clear picture of how students are responding to your initiatives. 


Quantify Your ROI through translating engagement into actionable data. See the number of students actively considering your industry and understand the specific roles generating the most interest.


Data-driven decisions enable you to optimise your outreach strategy. Use data to identify the material that resonates most with students, tailor your offerings to specific interests, and ensure your content is reaching the right audience.


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"The diversity data reports produced by globalbridge support our future plans to ensure Siemens remains an equitable and attractive employer and will ensure a more diverse talent pipeline for the future."

Mark Wood, Schools & Corporate Citizenship Manager at Siemens UK

Have questions? Get in touch with our team today
or book a demo to see globalbridge in action!

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