As an RCDP who worked within an original Gatsby pilot school I've been closely following the evolution of the Gatsby benchmarks. The recently revised benchmarks aim to further improve career guidance in schools and colleges. It's crucial to equip young people with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the 21st-century job market.
There are 5 key themes that are covered in the revisions which I’m pleased to say the team here at globalbridge (gb) had long anticipated and are already supporting schools, colleges and ITPs in fulfilling.
Careers at the heart of education and leadership
gb has a whole school approach, with rich data reports encouraging involvement with SLT through to curriculum staff and guidance practitioners
the reports inform strategy across the whole institution - allowing SLT to access data in real time without impacting capacity for CEIAG teams
Inclusion and impact for each and every young person
gb’s provides a digital record of achievement that includes all talents, skills, experiences; beyond traditional assessments
allows for full inclusivity - including students with SEND or other disadvantages
Meaningful and varied encounters and experiences
gb encourages focus on student reflection and evidencing skill development through multiple experiences/encounters
engaging the student in understanding the benefits and outcomes of their own experiences through the use of skills frameworks
employer partners are encouraged to adhere to new benchmarks and CEC Employer Standards to provide “meaningful” opportunities
Focusing on the use of information and data
gb’s rich data reports are embedded within the school dashboard, available to all relevant staff within the institute
this includes (not limited to); aspirations, industries of interest, lack of involvement in experiences (i.e. potential NEET), skills and personal development
CEC Compass + digital partner
Engagement of parents and carers
parents and carers have real time viewing access to the young person’s profile encouraging discussion and awareness of experiences/skills/talents.
Central to our platform is providing a tool to young people to enable them to communicate their knowledge, skills, behaviours and values effectively to employers, and sharing their unique multimedia profile URL.
Each student’s live and interactive record, not only of all their skills, talents and achievements, but of their interactions with employers is visible to careers practitioners within the school. We’ve all heard the comment “but I don’t do nothing, Miss”, how much richer is the guidance we can provide when you’re shared into a holistic profile that can inform both discussion and signposting.