We are your one-stop shop built by teachers, for teachers
globalbridge empowers educators with data-driven insights to measure personal development, equips students with multi-media learner profiles to showcase their potential, and bridges the gap to real-world careers with top industry connections – all in a single, user-friendly platform.
Boost personal development with data-driven insights
Imagine transforming personal development initiatives from guesswork to data-powered decisions. globalbridge enables schools and colleges to unlock the power of data, helping you:
Quantify impact and coverage of your personal development offering across year groups.
Gain a precise understanding around strong points and areas for improvement.
Refine your approach to inform school policies, interventions and strategies. Creating a supportive and empowering learning environment for all.
Empower students with multi-media learner profiles
Exams, cover letters, and CVs often paint an incomplete picture of a student's abilities. globalbridge addresses this challenge by offering a multi-media learner profile: a dynamic and digital record of achievement.
Go beyond grades allowing students to showcase their skills, talents, and achievements – not just test results. They can upload photos, videos, experiences and reflections to demonstrate their skills and learning journey.
Embrace diverse learning styles through sporting ability, musical compositions, or creative writing, students can express themselves in their preferred format, allowing a more inclusive way to for students to showcase themselves.
Engage and motivate students through the creation of a multi-media learner profile, encouraging them to take ownership of their professional journey via
a medium that they can relate to.
Connect with careers beyond the classroom
globalbridge aims to inspire and raise student aspirations through our combination of quality digital engagements and real-world opportunities from industry leading companies, giving students a taste of the working world.
Spark curiosity and raise aspirations through our rich digital engagements curated by leading employers and universities, these are designed to inspire students and open their minds to exciting future possibilities.
Get sight of real-world opportunities with work experience, workshops, apprenticeships, volunteering and more from industry leading organisations,
all tailored to match students by skill, pathway and industry interests.
Enable safe and inclusive applications using their digital learner profiles. Students can generate a unique URL to add to future applications, allowing employers to see evidence of the skills, personality and abilities they desire.